Following is the list of products we will be using, in addition to meat, chicken and fish.
Product List:
- Oil
- Dairy products; Cheese, Yogurt, Leben, Milk, etc. however dairy meals will be cooked on separate keilim with pareve alternatives provided.
- Grape Juice/Wine for cooking
- Peeled vegetables/fruits only
- Potato starch
- Ground nuts
- Cocoa
- Chocolate/chocolate chips for desserts made before Pesach
- Sugar used before Pesach & Boiled Sugar during Pesach
- Raskins Fish
- Salt
- Minimal Dry Spices used before Pesach
- Romaine Lettuce & Cabbage
- Purchased cookies/cakes for those that use (homemade options for those that don’t.)
- Bottled Water & Seltzer
Please remember to bring your own Wine and Matzah according to your needs and stringencies.