* SUMMER 2021 *
Four-Tier Pricing Program (scroll down for tier descriptions)
*Two Week Sessions A & B
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
$2,939 $2,645 $2,351 Scholarship Application
*Four Week Sessions C, D, E, F
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
$5,879 $5,291 $4,703 Scholarship Application
4-Tier Pricing Program
Realizing that families have differing abilities to pay, CGI has instituted a voluntary 4-tier pricing program. Please take a moment to look at the following tier descriptions and choose the tier that is most suitable for your family. All children will have the same experience no matter which tier a family is able to pay. The tier selected by a family will be kept confidential.
Tier 1 is based on the full cost of campers participating in the selected session. If you are able to pay this amount, please do so. Thank you!
Tier 2 is a partially subsidized rate that will enable families that just can’t afford the full cost of the camp program. Please, choose this rate if your family has the need to receive a subsidized rate.
Tier 3 is a more heavily subsidized rate for families whose children would not be able to attend camp otherwise. If you cannot afford either of the higher rates, please pay this amount.
Tier 4 is a variable rate for families whose financial assistance needs is greater than the subsidized rates above. We provide more significantly financial assistance to families that demonstrate need through our Financial Assistance Program. If you need additional assistance, please mark this option on the Enrollment Application.